Monday, December 3, 2007

The night we were almost shot...

It's funny when you reflect back on things you have done in life you reflect on how when you were young you thought you were invincible to the real world problems surrounding you. As if anything that happens there is no consequence that is probably a possibility on why teens think they can get away with so much and still have a cocky attitude in life.

I remember being in grammar school and hanging out with my old buddies Evil Ed, Orlando, Luis, Plesca and my brother. Roaming the streets late a night without a care in the world after all we were in a decently sized group and thought nothing can harm us. When we were younger we would generally hang out in within a 20 block radius of where i lived and specifically in either union city or north bergen. But on with the story on this fateful night around 10pm or so we walked down this 27th st or so in union city.

Tell you the truth i had no idea why we even bothered going down that street it wasn't one of our usual hangouts. I think there was a possibility of searching out a party that was happening (after all being young and foolish we wanted easy access to liquor and girls, even if we weren't that sure what to do right away once we got there). We were just chatting and walking casually when we noticed two groups of people arguing we decided to keep our distance across the street corner to see what develops, we decided if a scrap was going to happen best to get a good view of the action.

When all of the sudden we a huge commotion some cursing and finally the unmistakable ring of three shots going out. At that point all of us ran as fast we could in the opposite direction to this day i don't recall any of us running as fast as we did that night. Eventually a couple of blocks later and all of us out of breath we looked around to make sure everyone was actually there.

Needless to say the group was okay but a bit shaken after that event, i can't recall what we did after although i think just go home was a good option after almost getting shot. I find it funny that unless we are part of something like that we as humans do not consider ourselves vulnerable, it is like the first time you have a fight. The reality of the situation doesn't really hit you (pun intended) until you are circling your opponent and ready to throw the first punch.

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